Saturday, September 27, 2008

One Of My Addictions

One of my addictions is children's books. I love them and I keep buying them. Some of my favorites are a series written by Lynne Cheney. She is fabulous. I wanted to let you all know that I found some of her best books at Costco the other day for $10.00. They had: When Washington Crossed Delaware, America A Patriotic Primer, A Is For Abigail, and Our 50 States. The books are beautiful with great illustrations and written so well for children. Any way I just wanted to share what I thought might be a great Christmas idea.


Nicole said...

Thanks for the tip! I will be on my way to costco next week. I too love children's books. Alan and I enjoy heading down to the bookstore when we have gift certificates. We can stay there forever and never even see each other. He heads one way and I head to the children's section!
I also wanted to say that I love the fall leaves. It is a time of year that we just don't make it to Utah very often. 2 years ago I just needed to see them. So I packed up the kids and made a trip. We brought home with new pictures with the fall leaves as our backdrop!

The Scott Family said...

Thank you!!! I love hearing what children's books other people love. It makes it so much easier to collect good ones!